2022 /// Exhibition „How Corona changed my life“

On December 31, 2019, an outbreak of a new pneumonia with a yet unknown cause was
confirmed in Wuhan, China. In January 2020, the World Health Organization proposed
the name COVID-19 for the infectious disease. In February 2020, the disease evolved into an
epidemic and eventually a global pandemic known as “Corona.”
In numerous countries around the world, there are massive disruptions to everyday life as
the pandemic unfolds. The overall social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic includes the
economic crisis of 2020-2021. School closures, isolation, curfews: children and young
people are particularly affected by the restrictions. That’s why it’s important to us to give
them a voice. “How has Corona changed my life?” is what we asked children and young
people. Children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18 from Bangladesh, Bolivia,
Germany, Namibia, and Spain sent us their contributions. In this exhibition, we see their
artistic answers. The overall winners from four categories are published here. These include
the best group work and the best work from the age different categories.



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